Tomas Pintos Unveils a Stylish Movement Editorial

Hello, I'm Tomas Pintos. A queer argentinian visual artist combining photography and movement. Since I love being near the beach and the ocean, I'm currently living in Barcelona.

Growing is something I strive to do constantly, and my favorite projects reflect who I am. In a project, I look for learning, knowledge, improvement, a way to leave something behind and take something with you. I find it difficult to separate myself from the projects I do.

Finding the balance between liking what I do and finding freedom allows me to be authentic in my collective fields. To be able to express the most authentic and essential side of myself. There are times when it works well for me and times when it fails, but what matters is how it turns out.

A photo or a project is like a spider that separates from your body, a separate being that may be on a different path. It's always about movement and concept, putting the camera in front of me and allowing my body to do its thing. The best part of my job is developing an action plan that allows me to return to charge as an eternal tourist.

In this editorial, the body is the central focus of the photographs. Even though it is a self-portrait, the movement is more important than the location or me. A certain image can only be achieved through repeated maneuvers. This is my own little experimental performance in front of the camera.


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